

Before the exhibitions

Eight Impressionism exhibitions
1874 - 1886

After the exhibitions


Various links on the Internet

Websites dedicated to the theme of the eight Impressionist exhibitions:

Specialist contributions to the Impressionism exhibitions, etc.

by Alexandra Matzner

Website of the Ministère de la Culture Ministère de la Culture de la France
>>>Les huit expositions impressionnistes (1874-1886)<<<

>>>Gustave Caillebotte: Catalogue Raisonné des Peintures et Pastels<<<
Marie Berhaut. New edition revised and expanded by Sophie Pietri
Wildenstein-Plattner-Institute 1994

>>>Pissarro - Critical Catalogue of Paintings Volume I – III<<<
Joachim Pissarro and Claire Durand-Ruel Snollaerts
Wildenstein Plattner Institute 2005

>>>Monet: Catalogue raisonné - Werkverzeichnis, Volume II<<<
Daniel Wildenstein
Wildenstein Institute 1996

>>>Gauguin: Catalogue raisonné - Werkverzeichnis<<<
Georges Wildenstein
Wildenstein Institute 1964

>>>Morisot: Catalogue raisonné - Werkverzeichnis<<<
M.-L. Bataille & G. Wildenstein
Wildenstein Institute 1961

>>>Odilon Redon Catalogue Raisonné de l’Oeuvre Peint et Dessiné<<<
Alec Wildenstein - Volume I – IV
Wildenstein Institute 1992 - 96

>>>The Paintings, Watercolors and Drawings of Paul Cezanne<<<
Catalogue Raisonné - Société Paul Cezanne

>>>Degas digital catalogue raisonné<<<
Michel Schulman

>>>Mary Cassatt : a catalogue raisonné of the graphic work<<<
Adelyn Dohme Breeskin - 1979
Internet Archive;
Washington: Smithsonian Institution Press

Informative, partly speculative website

A historical reconstruction 1874 – 1886 by Hans Weevers

Interesting summary in German:
>>Impressionismus – Die bekannteste Kunstrichtung der französischen Kunstgeschichte<<
von Lennart Balg


Further collections of facts:


World History Encyclopedia
>>>The Paris Impressionist Exhibitions, 1874-86<<<

>>>The eight Impressionist exhibitions<<<

>>>Impressionism (1874-1886)<<<


A few Youtube contributions:
(partly with advertising inserts)

>>The Impressionist Revolution 1874-1886<<
National Gallery of Art Talks

>>Uncover the Origins of Impressionism: Cézanne, Monet, Degas & More<<
National Gallery of Art Talks

>>The Eight Impressionist Exhibitions, 1874 to 1886<<
John O'Brien's Art History Channel

>>Impressionismus - Wie das Licht auf die Leinwand kam<<
moriundmori - Kunst und Künstler (in German language)

A series of videos on Impressionism by Hans Weevers
(in Dutch or English language)

>>Die Frauen des Impressionismus<<
Arte / Youtube (in German language)


Websites of some museums that have works from the 8 exhibitions in their collection:


Musée d'Orsay, Paris >>

Musée du Louvre, Paris >>

Musée de Petit Palais, Paris >>

Musée Marmottan, Paris >>

Philadelphia Museum of Art >>

Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York >>

Museum of Fine Arts, Boston >>

The Cleveland Museum of Art >>

National Gallery of Art, Washington, DC >>

The Museum of Fine Arts, Houston >>

Norton Simon Museum, Pasadena >>

Art Institute of Chicago >>

The J. Paul Getty Museum, Los Angeles >>

Shelburne Museum, Vermont >>

Puschkin Staatsmuseum, Moskau >>
derzeit nur in russischer Sprache

Hermitage Museum, St Petersburg >>
derzeit nur in russischer Sprache

Alte Nationalgalerie, Berlin >>

Städel Museum, Frankfurt am Main >>

Hamburger Kunsthalle >>

Staatsgalerie Stuttgart >

Staatliche Kunsthalle, Karlsruhe >>

Neue Pinakothek, München >>

Museum Barberini, Potsdam >>

Arp Museum Bahnhof Rolandseck, Remagen >>

Rijksmuseum Kröller-Müller, Otterlo >>

Nasjonalgalleriet, Oslo >>

Ordrupgaard Museum, Dänemark >>

Museum Boymans-van-Beuningen, Rotterdam >>

National Museum of Western Art; Tokio >>

Pola Art Museum, Kanagawa (Japan) >

Tate Britain, London >>

The Natianal Gallery, London >>

The Courtauld Gallery, London >>

National Museum of Wales, Cardiff >>


Literature used on the subject of Impressionism >>>


